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In Conversation with Sharon van Ivan Pfahl, and Announcing An Exhibition of Charles Pfahl’s Work in the Occhi Contemporary Art Gallery

Aug 10, 2021

Charles Pfahl is a modern-day master of American painting. His work is part of many prestigious public and private collections, including those of Oprah Winfrey, Philippe Niarchos, the Columbus Museum, The Delaware Museum, and the Salmagundi Club.

Charles Pfahl has won numerous awards and grants over the years and has had many solo and group exhibitions at galleries in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and major European cities. Reproductions and interviews have been featured in several magazines, including American Art Collector and Art in America. Two major books were devoted entirely to his work: Charles Pfahl, Artist at Work, and Charles PFAHL (published posthumously). He has also been included in many books dealing with contemporary American realism. The latest book, Behind the Easel, by the artist Robert Jackson, was also published posthumously. Charles Pfahl’s work will soon be featured in the Occhi Contemporary Art Gallery. Read the full interview....

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