Ihiyo Chadwick
Golden Hour

Bio of Ihiyo Chadwick
Ihiyo Chadwick is a student and interdisciplinary artist who loves writing songs, teaching himself guitar, online video games and free imaginary play. Ihiyo has a strong sense of urgency when it comes to the responsibility that adults have to solve the global environmental problems they have created. He also enjoys visiting and checking in on the neighbors that live nearby, many of whom are elderly.
Summary of Artwork
This week, Ihiyo participated in a citizen science sea level rise monitoring project along with his mom, Tara Chadwick, in collaboration with Golden Repair, a global day of creative action on climate organized by Adam Kuby and Micro Galleries. This is photo he took of his mom dancing in the puddle before they collected samples of the flood water that often covers coastal streets in South Florida during king tides. It is part of a series of photo and video documentation of the day titled "Golden Hour."